Turner syndrome (gonadal dysgenesis – 45,X) is a condition in which a female is partly or completely missing an X chromosome.
Signs and symptoms
Girl with Turner syndrome before and immediately after her operation for neck-webbing – Wikipedia Image
- Short stature
- Lymphedema of the hands and feet of a newborn
- Broad chest and widely spaced nipples
- Protruding ears (low set ears)
- Low Posterior hairline
- Reproductive sterility
- Rudimentary ovaries gonadal streak (underdeveloped gonadal structures that later become fibrotic)
- Amenorrhoea
- Increased weight, obesity
- Shortened metacarpal IV
- Small fingernails
- Characteristic facial features
- Webbed neck
- Aortic valve stenosis
- Coarctation of the aorta
- Bicuspid aortic valve
- Horseshoe kidney
- Nonverbal learning disability (problems with math, social skills, and spatial relations)
- Turner’s syndrome is not typically associated with central nervous system malformations or intellectual disability, although they may have some mild learning disabilities. Intellectual disability (Mental retardation) is seen in 6% of affected children.
- Cystic hygroma is very common
- Echocardiogram (Congenital heart disease)
- Renal ultrasonography (Renal anomalies – Horshoe Kidney)
- Chromosome analysis – A karyotype test will reveal chromosome profile to be 45,XO
- Growth hormone therapy – for short stature
- Estrogen – induce secondary sexual characteristics